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Image by Codioful (Formerly Gradienta)

I help those that are capable of greatness get out of their own way and realize their potential

I have spent my life pursuing what I believe I am truly capable of and had the fortune to impact thousands of others to do the same.

I have spent my life pursuing what I believe I am truly capable of and had the fortune to impact thousands of others to do the same. My passion in life is to help you see your potential and deliver the direction and discipline you need to realize it.

Because I realize my potential by helping you realize yours!

Speaking Demo

About  Steve

A former Olympic Swim Coach turned Executive and High-Performance Coach for his company, Career Competitor, Steve Mellor has almost 2 decades of experience working with elite performers within high-performance environments.


Whether in his role as a coach to executives, leaders, and business owners or in his role as a culture consultant working with teams and organizations, Steve creates the shared space required to bring the best out of his individual and organizational clients. Steve's curious and competitive nature has led him to opportunties and expereinces in life that allow him to have an impact at the highest levels across a variety of industries including sports, healthcare, finance, and business.


A native of England, former top-50 world-ranked swimmer, husband, father, and lifelong competitor, Steve is the coach behind the career competitor you get to be but didn’t realize you were capable of becoming.

Steve's Talks

Talk Topics


Our greatest weakness as humans is our ability to focus on the reasons NOT to try instead of the one reason why we should try. Too often we get stuck in our own way and prevent our potential from seeing the light of day. Until now.

This highly impactful and motivating keynote captures some of the main messages from Steve Mellor's debut book, SHOCK THE WORLD! A Competitors Guide to Realizing Your Potential.

No matter what capacity you compete within, you are ready to realize your potential, become your optimal self, and deliver optimal performance. Attendees will gain an understanding of themselves, their world, and their approach to launch them into action and do what is required to SHOCK THE WORLD!


Establishing Individual and Organizational Purpose
through Competitive Collaboration

The ever-present war on talent leaves leaders desperate to find solutions for disengaged employees and turnover.

What if the key to employee engagement lies at the intersection of where a competitive mindset and collaborative approach meet?

Learn how "Competitive Collaboration" creates curiosity, growth, and expectations across your organization to deliver long-term solutions for engagement and retention.

Building a Foundation for Growth Mindset

A desire to grow is not enough, we need to know we are built to withstand everything that comes with growth before such moments present themselves.

This keynote delivers a foundation-first approach to a growth mindset that will equip attendees with the tools required to achieve growth at the highest level.

Through a focus on authenticity and discomfort, a true foundation will be formed that ensures a greater appreciation of self and a greater understanding of what is required to grow moving forward.


Steve's Testimonials

Abstract Shapes

Steve Mellor has a natural ability to engage and connect with his audiences. He speaks from the heart, and as a result – his talks are not only inspirational, they are also authentic and relatable. Optimizing yourself requires motivation and empowerment – and that is where Steve’s message hits the mark every time.

Dr. Curtis C. Chastain
Medical Director
Lake Men’s Health and Executive Wellness


Contact sTEVE

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